Saturday, October 31, 2009


I feel sad for a lot of people. Most people don’t realize when they say something they’re mentioning a lot more than they realize. I was taught to speak good about people, to forgive people for their faults. With the way many people behave nowadays, I’m wondering if this is still instilled into kids anymore.There’s an old saying, “It takes one to know one.” Most people use it as a defensive phrase when they are being commented on negatively by others. They just use it to defend and attack at the same time but most people, though, do not comprehend the whole truth of this statement. There’s another saying that, sort of, ties in with this saying which is, “If you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything.” This is a saying that I have personally tried to adopt into my life. I’m not perfect at it, by far, but when practiced it yielded tremendous results. Life really changed, in a good way, for me when I first started putting this into practice. It forced me to notice and say all the good things in other people. I made a discovery when I did this. All people have good and bad points. Now this is not a new discovery and I’m sure everybody has heard this. I have heard it many times myself but it was certainly different to realize it for one’s self. I also learnt that if I focused on all the good points of a person I would end up liking that person and that person would like me back in return. Likewise, when I focused on the bad, I and that person would have a mutual dislike for each other. I found this out when I started practicing not saying anything bad about people. This practice garnered me an abnormally large group of people who seemed so happy to see me. It felt weird at first but nice. But I still was a bit cautious. Later on, I understood it’s because I actually said what is nice about that person that that person appreciated me. A point to note however is that with some people you have to look extremely hard in order to find what is good in and about them. But all people have something good in them.


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